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Can a Water-Damaged Ceiling Be Repaired?

Sep 17, 2018
If you notice odd puddles of water caused by drips, you’ve probably stumbled upon a leak in your home. Naturally, you look up – and you might see there’s a lot more damage than you expected! It’s shocking all right, but now what do you do? Fortunately, a water-damaged ceiling can be repaired. Here’s an overview of the process on how to tackle a saturated ceiling from True Value. Let’s take it step-by-step...

Step 1: Find the Problem
In order to stop it, you must find out what’s causing the water spillage. You’ll need a ladder and a flashlight to handle this best. To see effectively, you have to tear out the ruined drywall to be able to view the inside of the ceiling. Keep in mind that water can easily travel, and the source may not be located where the leak is. This can be frustrating, and you’ll have to be patient and thorough. Also, this is where you may want to call in a professional for help.

Step 2: Patch and Replace the Drywall
True Value lists a comprehensive do-it-yourself method, but it depends on the size of the hole you’re faced with. If this job is much larger than a small leak, you may want to get expert assistance. This will ensure the drywall is installed perfectly, and also that this problem will not happen again. Plus, as we all know today, mold only needs three things to grow: water, warmth, and a surface to attach itself to. Keep in mind: Exposing yourself to mold without the proper equipment can definitely put you at risk. If you see mold here, get professional help.

Step 3: Paint and Pretend It Never Happened
If fixed correctly, you should never have to deal with this problem again. The last step is the easiest here: painting over the patchwork. Pick up a small amount of paint the existing color of your ceiling, prime over the repair first, let it dry, and then paint! Hopefully there will be a seamless appearance where the patching was done.

Call Restoration 1
So, fixing a water-damaged ceiling may actually be simpler than you think, but it’s still a good idea to enlist professional assistance. Why? Well, it’s the hidden damage that non-professionals may not see. A compromised ceiling is dangerous in more ways than one. Not only could the ceiling eventually collapse, it could also harbor a substantial mold infestation, hidden away in the perfect warm and dark environment. At Restoration 1 of Central Maryland, we’d prefer that you have peace of mind in knowing that your home’s plumbing, structure, and air quality are in the best shape they can be.

To make sure you’re in great shape, schedule a service with our expert team. Simply give us a call today, We serve the surrounding cities and counties of Eldersburg, Maryland.
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